Tri State Environmental Services has a multitude of different types of responses to environmental issues. With each problem that arises there are multiple layers to each, and critical steps that need to be taken. Pending on weather and time of year it can also drastically change our methods of how we respond as well. From assessment, to strategy, to the act of addressing the issues at hand, all the while working with and cooperating with federal, state, municipalities, or the party responsible for the contamination. The end goal to all of this is prevent danger from affecting human health and to make sure that any and all spill are handled, removed, and absorbed to prevent the release of hazardous materials into our soils and waterways.
We specialize in:
24-hour Emergency Spill Response to Heating/Motor Oils, Gasoline, Mercury, Chemical and Unknown Releases
Industrial Maintenance – Oil/Water Separator, Maintenance and Cleaning
Underground and Above-ground Storage Tank Services – Cleaning, Abandonment and Removal
Waste Characterization, Transportation and Disposal
Sub-Surface Investigation and Remediation – Soil/Water Sampling, Monitoring and Reporting
Well Gauging and Ground Water Sampling