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Understanding Underground Fuel Storage Tank Removal

Like any other process there’s a breakdown to understanding how to properly remove a ust from the ground. There’s a list of necessary steps with detailed procedural and safety protocol that must be followed along the way, with no two removals being exactly the same. For years underground storage tanks, (ust's) have been made out of steel, which have a finite life expectancy and the rust that will form on a steel tank is the leading concern. Rust can create holes in a steel tank, allowing heating oil to pollute the ground and potentially pollute the water table. Any steel surface that has been buried underground is subject to constant moisture, freezing, thawing, and if it goes beyond fifteen years, (which most tanks in question have been underground for at least that) they are more susceptible to issues. In fact when heating oil reaches the soil, if left undetected it can go as far as to pollute nearby water sheds and others property, making the clean up expensive. In most cases tanks are usually caught in time and after careful inspection and there are no leaks determined, the tank could then be removed from the ground. With the tank removed a field screening of the soil can be performed with a properly calibrated photoionization detector which will help conclude whether the tank has kept its integrity or formed a leak. If the soil inspection and testing, both in the field and with subsequent laboratory confirmation reveals no leaks, the tank can be properly disposed of and the excavation can be backfilled with clean suitable backfill material.


> We respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help provide a rapid, quality response that minimizes exposure.
> Our professional teams are knowledgeable and fully-trained to deal with any situation that may arise.

> If you have a concern about a UST or any other environmental issue, feel free to contact Tri State!


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Tri State Environmental Services

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